Interesting Facts

Hey guys, here are some interesting facts about some specific topics to know

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Facts about the Animal Brains

Facts about the Animal Brain

#Some Interesting facts about the Animal Brain:
#The Human Brain is one of the largest and the most complex organs in the Human body, it weighs 3 pounds. It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections.
#Human Brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.
#The Sperm Whale has the Biggest brain of any animal species, which weighs up to 20 pounds(7 to 9 kg).
#The Ragworm has the Smallest brain of any animal species, which is a tiny relative of the Earthworm.
#The Leech has 32 Brains, but they are of no use to it.
#An Ostrich's brain is smaller than it's eyeball.
#Squids have Doughnut shaped brains.
#The Chimpanzees are the most intelligent animals on the Planet.
#Dolphins are the second most intelligent animals, they can recognize themselves when placed in front of a mirror.
#Jellyfish has no brains, because they have a complex set of nerve cells.
#There is a myth that humans use only 10% percent of their brain.
#The animal Koala has the smoothest brain of any animal species.
#The Octopus has 9 brains, one for each tantacle and one at the head.
#Elephants have the largest brains of any land animals.
#Cephalopods have the largest of all the invertebrates.

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