The Planets
#Some Interesting facts of the planets of our Solar system :1)The Mars
#The Mars is called as "Red Planet" because of the effect of iron oxide prevalent on the Mars's Surface, which gives it a reddish appearance. It is also a Second smallest planet of our Solar System.
#Mars is a "Terrestrial planet" with a thin atmosphere.
#Mars takes 686.9 days to complete one revolution around the sun.
#The Distance from the sun is 227.9 million kms.
#One day in the Mars is equal to 1day 37min.
#It is tilted about 25.19 degrees to its orbital plane.
#The Surface Temperature of the Mars ranges from -143 degrees celsius to 35 degrees celsius.
#It's atmosphere is mainly composed of Carbon dioxide(95.97%), Argon(1.93%) and Nitrogen(1.89%).
#Mars has the largest volcano and Highest known mountain of the Solar System, Olympus Mons, it's about the three times the height of the Mount Everest.
#The Gravity of Mars is less compared to Earth, so you can jump around three times higher on mars than on earth.
#The Mars has two moons, they are Phobos and Deimos.
#If you weigh 70kg on the Earth, then you will weigh 26.48kg on the Mars.
#The First Spacecraft to land on Mars is Viking-1.
2)The Jupiter
#The Jupiter is the Largest Planet in our Solar System and it is also called a 'Gas giant'.
#Jupiter takes 11.86 years to complete it's one revolution around the sun.
#The Distance from the sun is 778.5 million kms.
#One day in the Jupiter is equal to 9hrs 56min.
#Jupiter is the Third Brightest Object in the night sky as seen from the Earth.
#The Average Surface Temperature of the Jupiter is -145 degrees celsius.
#The Jupiter is the Fastest Spining Planet in our Solar System, so it has the Shortest day of all the planets.
#It's atmosphere is mainly composed of Hydrogen(89%) and Helium(10%).
#Jupiter also has rings.
#Jupiter has 79 moons which are discovered till now, of which Ganymede being the Largest moon of the Solar System.
#The First spacecraft to visit Jupiter is Pioneer 10.
#If you weigh 70kg on the Earth, then you will weigh 176.8kg on the Jupter.
#It has the Strongest magnetic field of any planet in the Solar system.
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