Interesting Facts

Hey guys, here are some interesting facts about some specific topics to know

Monday, June 14, 2021

Facts about The Red planet and the Largest planet of our Solar system

The Planets

#Some Interesting facts of the planets of our Solar system :
1)The Mars
#The Mars is called as "Red Planet" because of the effect of iron oxide prevalent on the Mars's Surface, which gives it a reddish appearance. It is also a Second smallest planet of our Solar System.
#Mars is a "Terrestrial planet" with a thin atmosphere.
#Mars takes 686.9 days to complete one revolution around the sun.
#The Distance from the sun is 227.9 million kms.
#One day in the Mars is equal to 1day 37min.
#It is tilted about 25.19 degrees to its orbital plane.
#The Surface Temperature of the Mars ranges from -143 degrees celsius to 35 degrees celsius.
#It's atmosphere is mainly composed of Carbon dioxide(95.97%), Argon(1.93%) and Nitrogen(1.89%).
#Mars has the largest volcano and Highest known mountain of the Solar System, Olympus Mons, it's about the three times the height of the Mount Everest.
#The Gravity of Mars is less compared to Earth, so you can jump around three times higher on mars than on earth.
#The Mars has two moons, they are Phobos and Deimos.
#If you weigh 70kg on the Earth, then you will weigh 26.48kg on the Mars.
#The First Spacecraft to land on Mars is Viking-1.

2)The Jupiter
#The Jupiter is the Largest Planet in our Solar System and it is also called a 'Gas giant'.
#Jupiter takes 11.86 years to complete it's one revolution around the sun.
#The Distance from the sun is 778.5 million kms.
#One day in the Jupiter is equal to 9hrs 56min.
#Jupiter is the Third Brightest Object in the night sky as seen from the Earth.
#The Average Surface Temperature of the Jupiter is -145 degrees celsius.
#The Jupiter is the Fastest Spining Planet in our Solar System, so it has the Shortest day of all the planets.
#It's atmosphere is mainly composed of Hydrogen(89%) and Helium(10%).
#Jupiter also has rings.
#Jupiter has 79 moons which are discovered till now, of which Ganymede being the Largest moon of the Solar System.
#The First spacecraft to visit Jupiter is Pioneer 10.
#If you weigh 70kg on the Earth, then you will weigh 176.8kg on the Jupter.
#It has the Strongest magnetic field of any planet in the Solar system.

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