Interesting Facts

Hey guys, here are some interesting facts about some specific topics to know

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Facts about Sun

Facts about Sun

The Sun

#Some Interesting facts of the Sun :
1)The Sun is a G-type main sequence G2V star(Red-orange-yellow star or G-star), a yellow dwarf star.
2)The Main source of energy of the sun is the fusion of million tons of hydrogen to form helium every second in it's core. This energy takes 10,000 to 170,000 years to escape the core and enter the surface of the sun, but this energy in the form of light and heat takes only 8min 20sec to reach the Earth's surface, isn't it amazing?
3)The age of the sun is about 4.6 Billion years.
4)The Sun is mainly composed of hydrogen(73.46%) and helium(24.85%).
5)The Sun comprises of 99.86% of the mass of the Solar system.
6)It is about 13 billion times brighter than the next brightest star, Sirius.
7)The Highest core temperature of the Sun is about 15 million degrees Celsius and surface temperature is about 5600 degrees Celsius, which is nearly 100times the highest reached temperature on the surface of the Earth i.e., 56.7 degrees Celsius(California-Death Valley).
8)The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 149.6 million kms(1 Astronomical Unit).
9)One million Earths could fit inside the Sun, imagine how big the sun is?
10)The Escape Velocity of the Sun is 615 km/sec.
11)The Highest Man-made Temperature on Earth is 4 Trillion degrees Celsius, which is 250,000 times hotter than the sun's core, Mind blowing?
12)The Color of the Sun is white, because sun emits all the colors of the rainbow whose mixture is white color.
13)When the Sun has burned all its Hydrogen, it will continue to burn Helium for 130 million more years. During this time, it will expand to the point that it will engulf Mercury, Venus and the Earth. At this stage it will have become a Red Giant.
14)The Sun travels at a speed of 220 kms per second, it takes 225 to 250 million years to complete an orbit of the Galactic center.
15)The Sun has already burned off about half of it's store of Hydrogen, but it will continue to burn for approximately 5 Billion years.
16)The Sun has a very strong magnetic field which is about twice the Earth's magnetic field.
17)The Sun is almost a perfect sphere, because there is only a 10km difference between the Sun's polar diameter and equatorial diameter.
18)What are the Sunspots? --- The areas of the Sun's surface that appear darker than the surrounding areas, and is relatively cooler. They form in areas of strong magnetic activity.

19)What are the Sunflares? --- It is a tremendous explosion on the Sun that happens when energy stored in 'twisted' magnetic fields, is suddenly released. The Solar flares emits X-rays and UV radiation that can affect the Earth's ionosphere.

20)What are the Solar storms? --- These occur when the Sun emits huge bursts of energy in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections. When these hit the Earth, they cause Geomagnetic storms that disrupt satellites, radiation poisoning to humans and other mammals.